I lost 1.5kgs equivalent to 3 pounds! – Trip Jem

I lost 1.5kgs equivalent to 3 pounds!

From 58.3 to 56.8 kgs. 1.5 kgs lost equivalent to 3 pounds. Not bad cos they say 2 pounds lost per week is considered healthy weightloss. Anything more than that, and you risk sagging skin. My feet got more definition also. Road to 43 kgs cos that’s optimum for my height. Proper diet and workout never fails 👊

I also posted that on my facebook. It maybe ironic because I still keep on posting food review of local fast food chain such as my latest post : https://tripjem.com/2019/08/21/popeyes-at-sm-san-lazaro/

But let me tell you, I feel guilty indulging when I have not meet my target weight yet.

But this post is a reminder for me to bounce back and go back on track to healthy living.

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