Art Journal By Trip Jem #12132020

By Trip Generation

December 13, 2020


This hairstyle reminds me of elementary days, when neon colored pink or green elastic bands(we call rio/ sanrio) complete my pigtail look. For this drawing, I also added pink and green hair strands. You could actually purchase those hair clips with fake strands before! For the top, initially I wanted to draw it with off shoulder style, but I draw the arms quite slim which is already pretty. There’s large pink ribbon behind too, for added appeal. I initially wanted to draw gumiho 9-tail, but maybe on next art. The pink ribbon too, reminded me of Miaka of Fushigi Yuugi when she wore her dress for some temple ceremony

I was posting via my social media FB account, random arts I draw with my Apple Ipad and Pencil.

But I forgot to post here in my own blog.

Blog still pretty much disorganized to my liking, but I’ll take it one step at a time.

So posting it now, here 🙂

For my drawing style, I make sure to just draw from what I remember and with my little imagination. I also am not neat with my sketch, as I wanted to just doodle my ideas quickly (Also with blog, I wanted to blog quickly!). Though, I still aim for perfection, I believe perfection in art takes time. I just have to be consistent by practicing at least every day. I can draw via Adobe Illustrator and Wacom before, using layers and all,  but I prefer the quicker version now using Apple Ipad and Pencil.

If you want to look at my previous Art Journal, you may also browse on my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TripJem/

Though, sometimes I also forgot to post there so you may refer to my personal FB and IG too (link below)

If you have any questions, comments, and suggestions, do send a message on the comments down below, or send a personal message on my Facebook page, as well as my personal social media accounts:

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/jemarumercado

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jemarumercado/

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxTuXDko-NIQ4NfJR1s_P-Q?view_as=subscribe/